January 20, 2025
Software Training Maximize the Value of Computer Training

Software training is more than just learning what buttons to press. A computer program, or software, is designed to perform one or more specific business purposes. When someone attends computer training classes in particular applications they need to take away an understanding of how to use the software to achieve particular commercial objectives.

More importantly, they need to have learned to achieve objectives that are relevant to the role that they play in an organization. There is little value in learning how perform tasks that are irrelevant to that person in their particular use of the software.

Software training is often expensive, particularly if it is class-room based. In addition to class fees there transportation costs, plus the cost of time spent by the person on the course. It is essential that organizations and individuals plan ahead to get the best value from software training. Even Managed it Support Services in Gold Coast can also be promoted.

Identifying the Right Computer Training Course

The first step to getting best value from training is to find the right course. What organizations need to look for is a course that concentrates on the benefits of the software, and not its features. It should deliver the training from the perspective of business processes, not just tuition in a list of specific features.

If the training course description does not provide enough information about the way the course is taught, it pays to contact the training supplier. The very best person to speak to, if possible, is the trainer themselves. They can explain exactly how the course is delivered.

Less is Often More in Software Training

When managers send staff to computer training classes they rightly want them to learn as much as possible. But this does not have to mean learning every aspect of what the particular software package can achieve.

Learners cannot remember everything and will tend to focus on tasks that they perform in the real world. It can be an expensive mistake to train someone in every aspect of a package, in the hope that they will find the best way of doing their work and might find some useful new features.

If the objective is for the learner to discover how to do their job better by efficient use of the software, the training needs to focus on this. It can complicate the training, and reduce its effectiveness, if they are also expected to consider redesigning the business process through using new features.

Short, highly focused course on specific processes are often of much higher value than longer courses which cover more general material.

The Importance of Clear Objectives

Before taking any form of training a learner should have their training needs assessed, and clear objectives set. If they do not understand what they need to get from the training, they are unlikely to receive it.

These objectives can be set by the learner or their manager. What is important is that they are reviewed before the training to ensure that are in line with the commercial objectives of the organization.

The objectives should also be review once the training to complete to identify whether they were met and if not, find out why. It could be due to a number of reasons such as the nature of the training, the material covered, or perhaps the objectives were unreasonable in the light of the training being taken.

Even in a difficult economic climate businesses and other organizations invest in training. They need to ensure they are actively taking the right steps to get best value for the money they are spending.